Until 8 miles I had no issues with the runs... It is becoming tough after the 9 miler.. Pain in the knees, stiffness of the muscles, extreme tiredness. God! There is still so much to run. It is just the beginning.
Go the end of the blog to read the latest news
June-27th the nine miler:
I 'ferried' 6 runners quite ready to run near the DC mall. (this is part of the route for the big day)......We warmed up, and split into groups... Since I am a penguin, I make the last batch. I lost my way, it was too hot and just walked about 5 miles.
So on 28th morning, I attempted to complete the run by myself. The weather Gods were at their kindest today. The sun went into hiding and the rain clouds were ready! I completed the run at a 14 min pace.. As I stopped near my car exhilarated and happy, the first rain drops fell on me... and I was on my way to Yoga at the Y! with Sunny (it is not a pun, my yoga instructor is 'Sunny')
July-4th, the 10 mile pace run:
It is 3.30 AM . I am in LA.
Completely Jet lagged, I crawled out of bed.
I planned my route. Pre dawn was lit bright by the endless stream of airport lights.
I prepared for the run (Water, cash, keys, ID, sun glasses, cellphone, sunscreen)
The roads were quite.
It was chilly. And I was scared.
So I ran in the middle of the road.
Dawn broke in when I was on mile 4.
I spied on the hibiscus, bougain villas, roses, a faint scent of Jasmine here and there.. Maw! how much I missed having them in my life.
When I reached mile 8, the sun was up.
I completed 11.4 miles amidst loud traffic, as the sun glared into my eyes. I even had energy to pick up a heads-up penny. I am a "Penny-Picker"!
I crawled back to bed shivering and exhausted.
I piled pillows under my feet. I covered myself.
I had no energy to stretch. All I could do was wriggle my toes.
And so I wriggled them. And I was content.
July 12th - The half marathon! (13.1 miles)
---------I lovingly thank Lekha / Ravi / Thenna / Kavitha / Veena / Sada and Pallavi for being with me on this day! -------------------
Belle Haven Marina
Coach Joe convinces us to complete 13.1
Lovely bridges, shade a good day to run
I maintain my 4:1 pace throughout
The suns out, so the water station at mile marker 4 is a blessing
Grab a cup of water and one yogurt.
Coach Nick passes by! Wow! (He was running 46 miles to observe his 46th birthday!)
We go on till we reach 12.5 miles or so
Then suddenly a severe fatigue overcomes me
Sense it and stop running
Start walking. Even walking is tough
Reach our picnic area in about 15 minutes
Feel like puking. I and extremely tired
Am not dizzy. Sit down. Am shivering
Try to walk.Everyone seem to be talking to me, I cant make any sense
My muscles are extremely sore
Need assitance to walk.. Kavitha grabs my bag, Lekha helps me walk
We leave in Thennas car. The car journey is extremely tiring
When we reach my car, I have no energy to drive
So Lekha drives my car, and another runner Ravi follows in his
They drop me home, and want to hang around
I could just manage to signal that I would be okay
At home, my daughter piles pillows under my feet
I was still shivering so she throws a blanket over me
She gets me water and some rice
And more water and more........
For the next three hours I lie down sipping water, with no concept of time, or being awake or asleep
Finally after 3 hours I was able to get out of bed
But --- I am sane, alive and completed the training run
My biggest lesson:
Not to take future runs indifferently.
From now on until I complete the marathon, there is a need to tend to my system as if it is my newest baby. Give it 100% care and sensitivity
-Proper nutrition , supplements, hydration
-Good attire
-Good rest. And If I am exhausted for any reason, do the long runs on a different day. (Forget weekends and Friday night funnnn!)
July 18th Long run, 12 miles at Carder Rock
I have not slept well on Friday
Though I did focus on proper diet and hyrdation, I did not feel alright
We also had to drive to pick up Maan from her camp.
So I negotiated with myself.
Do half the distance, but make it difficult
So I did my sweet and wonderful 4:1 but completed a whole 2 minutes ahead of my time
Yoo hoo... Since I was early /// got some early bird breakfast of water melons nd fruits and off we drove to pick up Maan
I completed the next 6 miles on Sunday by walk on the W&OD trail
Preparing for the weekend 13.1 mile run at Pierce Mill
-------------- Lots of love and Thanks to Siraj, Runner Hanna, Coach Mona, Coach Kevin, Pallavi and Amaani --------------------------------
-This run is exactly 90 days before the big day
-And this week I have my cycle (which might as well happen on oct 26th as well)
-So I prepare very carefully.
-A tiring week physical exhaustion
-Try to get company for the run, but everyone is at their own pace, so run alone again
-Meet Coach Jon, and he directs us into the Washington Zoo
-Run past the elephants cage
-Wave to a few early visitors to the zoo
-Reach water station, Grab a oatmeal bar and fill-up gatorade
-No issues. Run. Walk. Sip Water. Sip Gatorade. Maintain pace
-Jog the last mile
-Reach the finish. Wow!
-Feel wonderful and fine
-Grab strawberries, grapes, Gatorade
-Then call Siraj and announce that the run was a success
-Thank Hanna, and the breakfast sponsor
-Feel wonderful
-Am extremely tired, and fatigued again!
-Call out to Coach Mona
-She asks me to lie down on the picnic bench
-Hands me a cupful of gatorada and more
-Gulp it down and feel better
-Talk to coach Mona, Coach Nick and Coach Kevin
-Explained to Coach Mona why I chose to run
-Tired again. Lie down
-Call Siraj. Bless him, he was already here and 20 yards away from me
-Some orange slices
-Coach Nick notices my empty water bottles
-Advices that maybe the day was too hot
-Now everyone else leaves
-Just too tired, not sore at all!
-Siraj helps me to the car
-We reach home
-Then the routine
-Pile up pillows, a blanket for the shivering body
-Then, my girls walk in an out
-They bring Water. Rice and Harris Teeter Indian dishes
-More water. Cant even look at a banana.
-Then a quick cold (brr! not so cold) shower
-Back to bed, and a snooze
-There's a mild headache
-Who cares?
-My family was right here.
-Siraj repeats a few times "You completed 13.1 today!"
-Theres nothing wrong
Aug-01 The 12 miler in Columbia Marina Island - A no brainer?? OR NOT!
-An interesting week
-Am in good spirits, body is free and lighter
-Nutrition - breakfast, lunch, dinner, light snacks in between
-Hydration - Water, gatorade, water-melon, grapes
-Supplements - twice a week
-Mid week runs - tuesday speed work out
-Thursday - hill
-Friday - Extremely sore after the hill
-Car-pool and start with the penguins.
-Coach Jon asks to run with him for 8 miles
-Me and another runner follow him
-He changes course, but didnt let us know
-I am okay to run with him / but my co-runner is not
-She wants to follow the course, meet other runners
-Hmmm! A few angry bursts
-And she picks-up pace
-Both of us run alone generally
-So it doesnt work out to run with each other
-We find our way back to the course, meet other runners
-Hot day in DC
-No shade around the mall
-I take videos from my blackberry
-They give us some diversion
-Finish the run a mile or less short
-We run a few more minutes near the finishing point
-Coach Nick remembers to ask how I was doing
-I am fine
-A bag of ice to calm my hot head and neck is accepted
-Am starving / A bagel with peanut-butter is heavenly, and grapes are tempting
-Wind-up. Go back to car-pool station
-Request siraj to walk me from the car to home
-I am not sore at all
-Its hot at home
-I sit down in the couch, but end up 'sitting & sleeping'!
-I have done that only during college lectures
-Wake-up in 3 hours
-Splitting headache
-Eat indian food from a local restt
-As everyone says 'Each run is learning'
-What was my learning today?
-Start listening to my body more then ever
-From 0 to 13.1 in 8 weeks
-Next is 13.1 to 20 miles in 75 days
-Wow! so soon, I wish I had a year to prepare
-But that is the game I am playing now,
-0 to 26.2 in 16 weeks.
-I imagine myself crossing 20 miles in 5 hours..
-I imagine me at the finish line....
-A penguin trudging along and finishing!!!!
Aug-08th, First time ever - 14 miles
-I run with Coach Jon the entire distance at Pierce Mill with me
-Run, Walk, Sip gaitorade, talk, run again!
-He made the run so easy!
-Needed the morale boost so much
-Finally, first time after hitting 12 miles, a run is complete with cheerfulness and enough energy to want to run more
-Thanks! Coach John H. Steitz
Aug-22nd, the lonely 16 miles
-Return from VTech on Friday after settling in Pals in her dorms
-Long tiring trip
-No mid week runs,lots of driving
-Hence skip the Saturday run
-Do the run on Sunday at the W & OD trail
-Plan my car to be me water station
-Run 2.5 heading East towards Vienna to complete a 5 mile loop
-Return to car, fill up the bottles
-Head towards Herndon and do a 4 mile loop. Voila! 9 miles done
-Head back towards Vienna and now complete a 6 mile loop
-Now the last loop is just a turnaround at 2 miles
-Siraj and Maan have walked from home
-They drive me home
-Run is complete.
Sep-05, A whooping 18 miles
-Pals is home for the weekend
-Cook South Indian food for her, for me for all of us!!
-Head to carder rock, the beautiful trail on scenic Potomac
-Coach Jon is in VA Beach -- running the VA Beach half marathon
-Hence I run alone
-Thats okay, I am used to it now
-Steady pace 3:1
-Familiar trail
-Pebbles, dog walkers joggers, bikers, tourist, park police
-Navigate them all!
-Finish the 18 miles
-Come home, eat like nothing ever happened
-Facebook it "A Ton of DC tan and 18 miles in my bonnet"
Sep-12, the 12 miler
-Aha! MCM announces that Powerade MBB is the drink
-Buy a couple of cases to test it out
-Walk 6 miles, still maintaining the pace
-Taking it easy I guess
Sep-19, Revenge of the Penguins - 20 miles
This run stars: Amaani, Siraj, Kevin!!!!
A week of planning and failing!
-A quick 4 miles on the trails in fairfax pkway
-Miss all other mid-week runs
-Commuting woos, Laziness, cramps...
-Why wait till Friday night? Planned Carbo load starts early in the week
-Reach the trail at 7.00 am
-Collect big, tag-timer, chit-chat
-It is cold, That is good, less breaks for water
-We start at 8.00 am
-300 runners in all, 10 milers and 20
-Teen agers to 70 year olds
-Observe the pains in my body move from the shins to the toes
-Then to the heels.. Feel the pebbles collecting in the shoes
-Pour water over my head and neck at water stations
-Reach a water station and they say "3.5 miles to the finish"
-Check my time.. 1 hour and 8 minutes still at hand
-"Crossing the bridge" at MCM is 5 hours
-Am ahead by 20 minutes
-Become relaxed and start to walk
-Imaginary back pain kicks in
-Feels as if that I am bleeding through my shoes
-Am not able to run
-So finish the race walking but 10 minutes under 5 hours
-Coaches John and Nick proudly annonce "Raji! you have crossed the brigde"
-Tears gather in my eye
-A few runners are still there
-They applaud. I share my happiness
-Starving, walk towards the picnic area
-Meet Kevin
-Start sobbing
-He lends his shoulder, I cry. I say "I am so happy"
-Get a hug, cry more. Feel nice. Thank him.
-Realize that I dont care for anyone overtaking me or not
-The race is against myself to overcome my "giving up streak"
-No bleeding toes
-Text Siraj - "Am done"
-He replies "Am here"
-Am starving, all food is gone!
-Eat a Clif bar
-Followed by Indian buffet.
-Go home
-Pile pillows, Water, sleep, head ache, Advil
-More water, finally am normal.
-And here is the result:
-Just two more long runs go to!
Sep-26-2009 A twelve miler with Coach Jon again! Yippee
Follow a well set routine: Run, Walk, Talk, Sip Gaitorade and talk more
New lessons: Don't panic if there is a need to take a break. Take the break! It helps in the run
Oct-03-2009, A 6 miler just for being active
I had such a busy week, that also included flu like symptoms that was floating around at work... Hence did not tire my muscles
Oct-10-09, The Baltimore 1/2 --------Meet the stars! -------------
Who is the star of todays run?
The young children who want to give high five?
Or the cops who smile and wish you good luck?
Or the young boys and girls volunteering at stations and will clean-up after the dust settles down from the last runners shoes?
Or the mass of runners who thundered and ploughed through the streets of Baltimore today?
Or the lovely old ladies who stood under umbrellas and screaming "looking good?"
Or just the city? The people? The runners?
Oct-10-2009 Baltimore Running Festival - and may the runner who died today rest in peace
2 runners in a car, joined by 30 runners in the metro / walk with another 100 to the start line / just to become part of 21,000 runners and the noise in all! Together we conquered the 1/2 marathon in Baltimore today :-)
I cried at the start line, because I never thought I would ever make it to there
I cried at mile 3,5 and 9 and everywhere in between -- I never thought I would reach it
I cried when I approached the finish line - Oh! My God finally
Once I finished the run, I was immensely peaceful. It is now a part of me and my memory. Each and every step. I can visit this 13.1 miles for ever and ever
Oct-17th, a lazy 6 miler - Another discovery
Very few runners.
The rain chased away the dog walkers and the wanderers
It is just a handful of us, the drizzle, the rain, the puddles and the carderrock trail....
The babbler in me is alive and light
Am excited to see the empty trail and the lovely coaches
Oh my God! Running in the rain is a blessing. I love it
We are all excited about the race day,
This is the last meeting for the season.. It is emotional
We bid adieu, a ton of small things that need to be taken care of...
See ya'll on oct-25th
Oct-25-2009... The Angels came out in their full glory and made all the runners a star in their own right!
My Angels - Coach Jon, The woman with the glove, Beth, Von, the kids with Dr. Pepper, A woman in the crowd with pretzels, the young couple who were handing out Gold fish and sesame sticks, Coach Kirk, Coach Chirag, Siraj, Amaani and the MCP team with the heated tent, the Marines handing out water, and powerade....
I was thinking that I should put the experiences of todays run on top but how could I? Each incemental mile, each incremental injury and recovery brought me here
Checkin into Holiday Inn the night before
Race day kit checked. Got everything.
Even packed rice, yogurt and Mango pickle for post run recovery food!
Following a,m have a bagel, and some coffee
Walk to MCP tent at 6.15 am
Forget my watch and sun glasses (mistakes # 1 and 2)
It is dark and the heated tent is so welcome
Lazily sprawl in the chairs
Volunteers now march into the tent, coffee -- Sample 1/2 a cup
Chit chat with other runners
Line up to Don-Jon
Pack 8 preztel sticks and one granola bar
Decide not to wear a 2nd T-Shirt and forget my gloves in the bag (mistakes # 3 and 4)
Walk towards the start line with a MCP team
Line up. Meet Shekar. Everyone is excited
The start is announced. The slow runners are requested to be polite
We wait till the 5 hr finishers run by
I needed to use the rest room. The lonely one is all queued up
So I start with coach John and other runners who just want to run with us for sometime
Just after mile 1, I see a line of Don Jons and my bladder is so full, that it hurt
Since we were in our warm up mode, I fall back. Thankfully there is no queue.
I am able to catch up with my team quickly. It is uphill and I breathe very heavily
We hit water stations at regular intervals
I take water and cool my head and neck (mistake # 5)
Call my Mom in India 1 hour into the run
We gain 1 minute for each mile (A buffer to beat the bridge in 5 hours)
We are close to Hains Point and I am very cold, This is near the waters and the tidal basin and it is very very breezy ..... We are ahead of schedule by 15 minutes
Coach Jon says that the wind cheater in his hand could be useful, but is sweaty
After a couple of walk breaks I request him his wind cheater
I wear it and then realized my hands and feet are numb
Because I am running, my feet are becoming alive, going numb and alive again
But my hands are so numb
I an slowing down. But also checking that we dont lose our buffer
Now when Coach Jon talks, I cant pay attention
He says if my hands remain numb after 26.2 I should go to the medical station
My mind has few goals, keep my hands warm, listen to his walk-run shouts, and not lose the buffer
Try to pray, cant do it
A Gu every four miles, and a pretzel every two mile in between Gu
When there is crowd to cheer, I get energy
Spot a cheer crowd. They have assorted stuff with them
Ask them for spare gloves. I say "my hands are numb with cold"
A woman says she doesnt ahve any.
Then she looked at my eyes. Something mustve moved her
And then she says "you said gloves"
Digs into her bag and gets me a white pair of gloves
Wear it thankfully and told her I love her
Am slowing down, but not too slow
Try sucking on a pretzel. It burns my stomach
So just fluids.
Now sense my throat is sore. Can't talk
But Coach Jon insists that we still maintain 3:1 pace
We do it, but slow down a bit more
The buffer helps
At mile 17, 18, 19 I want to throw up
But can't. My stomach is slushy
Beth and her husband Von join us
We reach the bridge --
Now Jon will leave me and run ahead
Don't have to take the straggler bus
No to cry or celebrate
My stomach is bad, that I can't run
So tell Beth and Von that I am going to walk
We see another cheer crowd
Beth and I think some Soda will help
We ask them
They have Dr. Pepper
Fill some in my bottle. Sip it
A big burp. I am wonderful
My sloppyness is gone
My body is warmed up as well
Still wear the gloves
We walk, my throat hurts and I can't talk
Pick up a banana from a volunteer
We reach crystal city
Am now officially starving
Eat the pretzels
And the Granola bar, and the banana
WAtch out for food
Pick up Pretzels, gold fish and sesame sticks
Now am ready to start running
But my stomach is so full
Reach mile 24. Feel great
Chat with marines. and the school bands
At mile 26 Beth and Von leave to the metro station
Then Kirk and Chirag join me and push me to run the last yards
I run and finish
It is done.... I walk, get my wrap from a Marine
Get my medal. Tell the young Marine "Sir! It is an honor to run MCM.
And esp when it is my first"
Thats it. My first run is done
Walk towards Siraj and Amaani for their love and hugs and kisses and photos
Distance MAR
Clock Time 7:08:25
Chip Time 6:51:45
Overall Place 20735 / 20936
Gender Place 8189 / 8280
Division Place 1785 / 1798
Age Grade 32.9%
5K 44:55
10K 1:26:52
15K 2:09:55
20K 2:54:25
Half 3:04:26
25K 3:41:15
30K 4:28:33
35K 5:28:13
40K 6:27:44
The Legend
2 years ago
patting your back, tapping ur butt or dancing in glee is perfectly ok even if u walk the last few steps
Thanks! Every new mile brings a new lesson, new experience
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