A Penance

My photo
To be her is my destiny. She is pure and so she is free. SHE is: A blessing to her parents, a darling to her friends, a treat to her children... She exists in many forms for everyone. My journey will end when I become her.

Saturday, March 27, 2010

India said to the world: "Deal with it"


We gave you Kamasutra,

Thus an opportunity to experiment,
Explore taste and greed.

That was our Karma.

As a penance to our actions-

We also gave you Yoga,
The Gayathri Mantra.

Now Go.

Explore your Innerself.
Taste the joy of realization.
Find Peace.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Indian Woman and her Bachelor Gods

Bala Krishnan.
Shiva in deep meditation.

What drives her to them?

To this mountain that balances her;
To this tender tusker who hugs her;
To this toothless grin who tugs her;
To this stone that calms her;

Perhaps ---

A craving to have a pious relationship with men?
A need to be understood and be untouched?
A desire to be vulnerable but not taken advantage of?
Wanting a shoulder to rest, to drain her tears, walk away light hearted?

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

The slimy slinky gate keeper to a best kept secret

On a restful sunday afternoon nothing can beat the warm feeling of munching on fresh snacks and sweets as your mom or granny try new recipes for sweets and store them in air tight containers, but generously distribute the broken scarps to the mob of kids hanging outside the kitchen door - who will then willingly grab the vessels and pan and continue polishing and licking the last bits that stick to the pan...

And that made a moment for my grandma to share her wisdom "The palace gates and the kitchen doors never leave you empty handed!"

Two and a half decades later I am struggling to control another greedy gate keeper
It wisps
Its slimy
and uncontrollable!

Its not one, but a collective mob
Tiny as they are
Unique are their qualities
Rare is their gift
They capture everything
And memorize
And recall at whim

My lustful taste buds

The devils they are...
They destroy my will for good health
And crumble my resolutions for sanity

My lifes destiny seems to be in their hands
They seem to control my thoughts
They rule my very self
Until I disappear in my own greed
Until the goddess is burned

But I have felt
and I have tasted
The pure joy of selflessness
The sheer sanctity of self control
The imminent possibility of setting free

And so now the gate keeper is under my control

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

High FIVES: To the five elements of taste

After a frenzy day of shopping right before the Blizzard of 2010, as I stowed away the groceries in the fridge, it struck me that I had subconsciously planned my activity for the next 5 days and shopped accordingly

I kinda tied my hands
Naaw! bound my tongue
I had kidnapped it

We were going to be snowed in
There was just a minimum snacks, enough for the young daughter who will be at home.
I had bought cucumbers, bell peppers and an assortment of veggies
Piled on raw peanuts to the list.
In went some soymilk.
No snacks for my better half. He got a dozen eggs, bread and cheese.

The previous week I had (over)indulged in Ledo's Veggie Pizza at work
and the following day, an Indian buffet for lunch

Not only did I feel guilty (which happens after every indulgence)
but something else was happening within me
And I let that 'something' to 'happen'

And something new happened too
I listened to myself
I allowed myself the liberty to listen to the guilt, the sadness, the pain
I allowed myself to feel joy, happiness, peace and innocence

From now onwards I can live in the memory of the taste
Until the memory is no longer required
From now onwards I can live to make-up to the guilt I feel
Until I learn to forgive myself

And then the tears.... they never came
Thats when I knew

I was suffocating myself and was caught up
I started to draw energy from everything around me
from Friends who were in the same battle
from Family who lovingly supported
from Strangers who politely smiled
from Stories that begged to be read

All I did was to give up three things. Just three
It shut a thousand doors
It opened a new world of taste

I am me, just different
I am making small changes but taking giant strides