I was about ten days into my new food habit
Am in the checkout line
Piling my items on the checkout counter
A young handsome man joins the line
and in his hand were about 36 donuts.
My mouth went dry.
My eyes were greedy
I smacked my lips
I was at loss for words...
I wanted the donuts out of my sight as quick as possible
I started a conversation
"Oh No! How did they trust you with all these donuts?"
"Please go ahead and check out, you have just one item"
He was unaware of my burning craving for those donuts.
I couldn't even focus on anything.
He shrugged his shoulders.
"They can wait", he said.
I smiled.
Please go away my heart cried.
I continued, "You know I have been keeping away from sugar for a couple
of weeks. And now this box of donuts is just so tempting!"
"Can you please go ahead?" I pleaded.
With an exaggerated drawl, he asked me, "Can I show you something?"
I said. "Sure, what is it?"
He lifted his T-Shirt and showed me something.
I didn't recognize it.
He said, "This is an insulin monitor"
"I am a diabetic. I have been since I have been eight or something"
"That is why they trust me with donuts"
"You see I can't eat them".
"I don't even remember how they taste like."
Now, I looked at his eyes.
I told myself, If he had been a brother or a friend
I would've given up sugar at least for a few days to show my love
He continued, "Some people say it is a disability"
"But I don't think so"
"Being diabetic is not a disability"
Then both of us said at the same time
"There are times when the disability is here"
And pointed to our heads.
We meant that normal looking people also carry a disability.
And we laughed out aloud.
It was my turn to checkout.
He was smiling at me, I smiled back.
He probably knew that I felt something.
As I walked out, I told myself..
As a young boy,
he learnt to live without sugar.
He had learnt self control... because the effects on him
were immediate
I have indulged in sugar all my life, pretending that sugar
will have no impacts on me
I have memories of the taste
I can recall it whenever I want...
Can he?
I can NOW learn to live in the memory of the taste
The Legend
2 years ago
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